Sunday, January 11, 2009

A little bit of theology? for those of you who have taken Theology you remember "God's Perfect Will" and "God's Permissive Will"? Well here is my take. God's Perfect Will = Garden of Eden, so warm and wonderfully pleasant that nakedness was comfortable. God's Permissive Will = Adam and Eve sinning and as a result me living in -51! Yes, -51 today on the Yukon River. I think I have forgotten what summer feels like. You know its bad when you are asking God to warm things up to -20. :). My floor seriously RADIATES cold. It's nuts. Slippers are now not optional when visiting my little apartment.

Well, even in this weather dogs need to have the option to go play outside right? Well, Kiva was going absolutely stir crazy this last week and NEEDED to get out. There was one day this week where it "warmed" to -40...for about 15 minutes haha. By the time I got all dressed to go outside it was -47 again. But, Kiva and I went for a walk anyway. She had a great time and enjoyed running free down the trails. However, when we got back to the van she was just as excited as I was to get inside.
Kiva and I have been having as much fun as possible staying in. She has discovered that Rock climbing webbing is the toy of choice. Though she still resorts to her antler 90% of the time, she recently discovered a daisy-chained piece of webbing. Being that it is very old and not usable for climbing anymore, I figured she could play with it. Man she loves it. Other than that, her and I just kind of chill and play inside. We have learned some new things though. Speak! Stay! and Spin! are three new commands that we are working on. She is still so young at heart that we can't work on it too long because she gets so excited, but she is doing so well.

Now for some somewhat sad news. One of my former students passed away on Christmas day. His funeral was on the 2nd of January and by the time I found out about and because of ice fog, I was unable to attend. Vaughn Kozevnikoff was an all regional all state ball player who loved life. Sadly his death was an avoidable accident, but I dont think it would be appropriate to blog about the way he passed. My hope is that he was a believer, but I do not know. He was a wonderful guy, great friend, and loved his gf and kids. Please pray for his family if you think of it and for all those affected. We loved you Vaughn!


  1. You need to update more are ridiculous

  2. Hey there, Dave! Good to find your blog, it is. I like blogs for digging a little deeper into people's brains and lives. I'm sorry to hear about your friend, Vaughn. You have had more than your share of friends and students go too early. Kiva is a cutie! Funny thing, we've talked about karelian bear dogs as an option. Jason encountered them working in Glacier the last couple of summers and was impressed.

    Well, check out our blog too when you get a chance. Much love, Dave!
